A course that builds strong foundations and explores key topics in depth
A course that builds strong foundations and explores key topics in depth
A course that helps participants master the key concepts of finance and demonstrate their use in decision making
This course is designed to give students an understanding of the different mindset and behavioral elements required to enable digital transformation through Agile thinking. In addition to learning the foundation on Agile methods and tools, this course will provide students opportunity to apply an agile approach to solving business problems and continuous improvement techniques to make processes more efficient and effective through the use of case studies and practical application. Students will also be able to evaluate their current mindset and reconsider the way they work and think in their current – and future workplaces to deliver more customer value via the use of agile thinking tools.
Uses: e lessons, Cases, online tests
Mode: Online
PM course
MBA required course at SOM, AIT
Course for managers in the Asia Pacific Region
MBA compulsory course on Corporate Finance
MBA compulsory course on Corporate Finance
test course
Three module course for working professionals from pharma industry
Masters level course for MBA participants
Masters level course for MBA participants
International Finance
To enhance conceptual, analytical and decision making skills of officers and managers in the bank's credit function
Concepts, tools, techniques and practices in Financial Management
Advanced Financial Statement Analysis
Strategy and Leadership program in Sri Lanka for LOLC middle managers
Writing short cases about companies in the region
Strategic and Managerial view of Finance for senior managers in EVN
Short course for pharma managers
Provides an introduction to Financial Modelling and helps learners model BS,IS and CFS
Case writing for in-house managers initiated by Training Department
Course for senior executives on creating financial value
This course is designed to enable managers at Hunter Douglas India develop skills in anlayzing financial impact of their decisions.
Executive Development course for developing and using financial models
3 day programme for officers from India post at APPU, Bangkok, Thailand
This course is designed to help learners, who are business development managers in financial institutions, apply tools of financial analysis to better identify potential clients.
Uses: e-Book, e-Cases and Online Mentoring
Mode: Online
Available as: Executive Development
A course for credit officers in commercial banks..
Industry, Trends, Performance, Practices...
Simulation that enhances understanding of the trade offs in managing bank profitability
Develops skills in the strategy, structuring, valuation and execution of M&A
Leadership essentials, tasks of a leader, leadership in organization and leadership challenges
Foundation course for participants of MSM's MBA program in HCMC, Vietnam
Course for Executive MBA participants that includes financial accounting, cost accounting and corporate finance
This course will tools and concepts required for managers to make sound investment and financing decisions
For first year MBA
This is an introductory course covering financial, cost and management accounting.
Intended audience are participants in a 2 year MBA/EMBA programme.
MBA level course on Cost and Management Accounting covering topics such as Cost Measurement, Break Even Analysis, Standard Costing, Budgeting, Variance Analysis, Relevant Cost Analysis and Strategic Cost Management
This course is designed to help learners, who are seeking knowledge on fundamentals of financial accounting and analysis, learn and apply the concepts underlying financial statement and apply tools of financial analysis to decision making.
This course is designed to help learners, who are seeking an introduction to the subject, learn and apply concepts and tools of finance to, business decisions.
Uses: e Lessons, Online forums, Cases, Online tests
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: MBA and EMBA
This course is designed to help learners, who are seeking an introduction to accounting and finance, learn apply tools of financial analysis, cost analysis and investment analysis.
Uses: e book, e lessons, Cases, online tests
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: EMBA
Masters Level course dealing with financing of early and growth stage enterprises
Course covering topics on investments, valuation and portfolio management
This course is intended for Finance Majors, DBA and Phd students. The course uses cases to set up key research issues. Academic papers and reveiwed and discusses to deepen understanding of theory and evidence addressing such key research issues.
Intermediate level course for finance majors introducing portfolio theories and portfolio management
This course is designed for managers from diverse functional areas. Offered in EMBA and as Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, who are preparing to assume general management positions, apply tools of finance and cost management, to make business decisions that fit their strategy.
Uses: e lessons, Cases, Online forums, Videos
Mode: Blends in class and online
Available as: Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, who are operating managers in different types of business, apply tools of cost analysis to effectively manage their costs in line with the strategy of their business.
Uses: e lessons, Organisational diagnostics, Organisation based cases,
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, who are CEOs of businesses, investment analysts and advisors, apply tools of valuation to better value companies in share sales or purchase.
Uses: e Lessons, cases, simulation
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: MBA, EMBA and Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, who are seeking to build on their foundations in finance, to apply concepts and tools of project finance in making decisions about structure, leverage, valuation and risk management of infrastructure projects.
Uses: Text Book, e lessons, Online Forums, Cases
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: MBA and Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, who are practicing managers , apply relevant frameworks to analyse the antecedents and conequences of good Corporate Governance.
Uses: Online forum, Cases, Research based readings
Mode: Blends in class and online
Available as: EMBA
This course is designed to help learners, who are divisional heads, general managers or business consultants or are aspiring to assume one of these roles, integrate tools of finance with organisation behavior and strategy, to measure and manage divisional performance.
Uses: e lessons, Research articles, Text Book, Cases
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: MBA, EMBA and Executive Development
This course is designed to help learners, seeking advanced knowledge, apply concepts and tools of financal, to business decisions in an international context.
Uses: Text Book, Cases, Online Forums, Online tests
Mode: Blends in class and on line
Available as: MBA and EMBA
This course deals with select topics that highlight practice of finance under conditions of imperfect markets
Sample for introduction to online courses...